Monday, May 16, 2011

Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas Trail Postoned

Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas

Kelly Gordon Rogers, Attorney in Dallas was indicted by a Collin County Texas Grand jury on July 30th 2009, case number 380-81600-09. The attached mug shot was provided as public information by the Collin County sheriff’s office. For updated information as to the status of the proceedings, you can link to the The Kelly Rogers Report for the updates and details. Then click on the case number 380-81600-09 and see the schedule.

According to the State of Texas, Collin County website, the offense took place on March 1st, 2005 and is a FELONY 1 charge against Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas. The charges include 26990034 Misapp Fiduc/Finan Prop >=$200,000.


An arrest warrant was issued, then executed on August 14th. Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas was booked, his mug shot taken and he was incarcerated. He was later released on $50,000 bond. Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas is now scheduled to appear to stand trial State of Texas vs Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas on August 15, 2011. Apparently Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas had failed to pay his defense lawyer (John Charles Hardin) and so that lawyer withdrew from the case. Needing more time to prepare, the trial was rescheduled to August 10 @ 9:00 am for the pre-trial and August 15th @ 9:00am for the Jury trial. 2009 in the 380th District Federal Court, the honorable Suzanne Wooten will be presiding.

Ironically, Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas birthday is listed as September 2nd, 1958. This is the date he’s scheduled to make his first appearance in court! I wonder if the court will pause to sign happy birthday to this young man? Please continue to watch the Collin County website for continuing news and updates.


This is not the first time Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas has been in legal trouble. In July of 2007, the SEC filed a complaint against Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas for his role as a facilitator in a Ponzi Scheme. Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas created a company called “Level Par” and solely responsible for investing with CR Davis and Global Finance and Investments. The SEC sued and won against Mr. Rogers who agreed to a final judgement that permanently restrains and enjoins Defendant from violation of several codes from the Securities act of 1933. These codes include Sections 5(a), 5(c) and 17(a). Also included was Sections 77e(a), 77e(c) and 77q(a) and Sections 10(b) and rule 10b-5. For all the details, go to THE KELLY ROGERS REPORT.

Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas was ordered to pay disgorgement in the amount of $100,000 plus prejudgment interest thereon in the amount of $3,360 and a civil penalty in the amount of $50,000. The SEC rulings can be viewed below. A link is also provided to a letter issued to all Level Par investors on August of 2006. This letter announced the SEC had contacted Level Par officials to report investments made by Kelly Rogers into entities run by CR Davis and Global Finance.

These individuals and entities were part of an ongoing investigation by the SEC for operating as a Ponzi Scheme. The letter also documents $200,000 Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas removed from Rio Grand Mining (a venture capital operation) and invested in the Travis Correll Ponzi Scheme in 2004. Shortly after details began to surface, Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas was removed from Level Par and several other entities run by Richard Weyand. Several lawsuits were filed against Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas in the subsequent years and these will be fully explored by linking to the KELLY ROGERS REPORT. .

Updates on these and other matters will be provided in the weeks and months ahead. Additionally, Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas personally filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy on July 27th, 2009 in the name of Kelly Gordon Rogers. This will be the subject of the next posting.

Related Stories:

Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas files bankruptcy
Naperville North Graduate Indicted in State of Texas
Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Indicted in Dallas
The Truth About Kelly Gordon Rogers Attorney Dallas